medicine hatRod Santiago from the Abbotsford Homelessness Action Advisory Committee says he thinks the Housing First model is the right fit for the city to help with the homelessness problem.

Medicine Hat mayor Ted Clugston was in Abbotsford last night, speaking about the success his city has had in eliminating virtually all homelessness, and Santiago says the model seems to be a winner everywhere it’s tried.

Santiago says Medicine Hat has been able to house 875 people over the last few years, and Abbotsford only has 150.

“So there is significantly more individuals that were housed in Medicine Hat, even though it’s a smaller community. So if it can be done in Medicine Hat it can be done here.”

Jeff Gruban from the Abbotsford Dignitarian Society says he thinks taking a page from Medicine Hat’s model would be a great option for the City’s homelessness program, although he says it’s only one part of the solution.

Gruban says there are concerns about cost and other issues.

“It seems to me that this solution involves rent subsidies for basement suites, apartments, any type of traditional housing. And sometimes there could be challenges with these folks that have been living on the street to integrate into those types of living environments.”

Housing First involves providing a place for a homeless person to live, which will hopefully give them enough stability to begin addressing addiction, mental health, and other challenges.

The Gladys avenue supportive housing project will be one example of the Housing First model.