canada's worst driverThe hit show Canada’s Worst Drivers is once again looking for menaces behind the wheel, and they’re looking specifically for someone from Abbotsford for their 11th season.

Casting director Meredith Veats says it’s been awhile since they’ve been able to feature someone from this area.

“We had one people in the fourth season from just outside of Abbotsford. His name was Ken and his driving really changed thanks to the show. But since then it’s been a kind of untapped territory. So now that we’re in season 11 we want to go to some of these places and see if there’s anyone else who needs our help.”

Veats says they like to feature a variety of driving problems, from the overly aggressive to the overly timid, and the just plain clueless.

You can send your nomination at,  and from there a brave team from the program will go for a ride to see how bad the driver is.