Apparently the way you eat your eggs reveals a lot about your personality! According to Dr. Jane Cox who is a Human behavior expert, says that the most common ways to eat a hard boiled egg can indicate whether you’re a traditionalist, a maverick, a wannabe comedian or someone who stands for no nonsense. So….how do you eat your eggs?! And what does it say about your personality? Here are some examples below.



Some people said they eat their soft boiled egg out of an egg cup with a teaspoon. This is a no nonsense approach to eggs that reflects a person who doesn’t stop to savor moments. They just do what needs to be done.

Another popular way of eating a soft boiled egg is to turn it upside down and crack open the wide underside rather than the narrow end. Those who turn their egg on its head probably approach lots of things in their lives differently. They’re likely to reject what doesn’t work for them and seek more of what they enjoy.

Other people prefer to shell their soft boiled egg and eat it on toast. This practical way of eating the egg reflects a person who has a lovely sense of humor.

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