St. Patrick’s Day Party


Mar 16


Bradner Hall, 5305 Brader Rd, Abbostsford



The Rotary Club of Abbotsford-Sumas presents St. Patrick’s Day Party featuring entertainment, drinks, dinner, costume contest, silent auction and more. Tickets are $65 each or $500 for a table of 8.



What do we do with your generous support – The Abbotsford-Sumas Rotary Club has been very active in your community for over twenty-seven years. Locally we provide ongoing support for programs such as the Abbotsford Food Bank, Abbotsford Women’s Transition House, Abbotsford Hospice, Cyrus Centre, the Foundry Youth Health Centre, Literacy Matters and many others. Over the years we have built 16 playgrounds in local parks, and we continue to support youth initiatives and programs that meet the growing and ever-changing needs of our community. Among these are the installation of 12 Little Free Libraries in local parks, Community Centres and Social Services Offices which have supplied over 28,000 books free in the first year of operation.

On an international level, in Guatemala we support providing wheelchairs/prosthetics to the disabled and a mobile literacy bus initiative. We have funded water projects in Turkey, Ethiopia and other countries and we participate in a program to provide agricultural micro-loans in developing countries focussing on single women with families to support.

We hope we can count on your support in our fundraising efforts in order that we can continue to meet our mandate of “Service above Self” and improve people’s quality of life in our community and the world.


$65 each or $500 for a table of 8
